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Chikki Recipe

Sesame Brittle

Prepare a large counter-top or table for rolling-out the hot brittle by cleaning it well and oiling it lightly.
Combine in a saucepan:
1 cup brown sugar, Indian if possible*
1 teaspoon ghee
Heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is melted, then add:
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Continue to heat (stirring constantly or the mixture will burn) until a tiny amount of mixture dripped onto the surface of the stove is crunchy as it cools - 265 degrees on a candy thermometer or the "hard-ball stage." The mixture will be dark brown.
Now quickly stir in:
2 cups roasted sesame seeds
1/4 cup roasted peanuts, chopped
Pour out onto the prepared surface, and roll out quickly and vigorously into a thin layer with an oiled rolling pin. The mixture will become brittle as it cools. Break into pieces and put on a serving dish.
If you have difficulty with cleanup, you can pour boiling water over your pan or spoon to melt the hardened sugar.
*White sugar also works well, but the flavor will be more bland.
Category Desserts
Servings Makes about 1 lb. Serving Size 1 oz.
Calories 157 Protein g
Fat 9.2 g Carbohydrates13 g

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